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About The Author

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Vanessa Durward is a writer from Australia that goes under the pen-name Lockness and author of her newly completed novel Fake vs Fated. 

Vanessa loves to read werewolf, vampire and anything that connects to the creatures of the supernatural. She is also a fiction writer herself that enjoys writing about the fantasy world of Werewolves and Vampires being her main focus however she does throw in on occasion, Demons, Shifters, Fairies and other supernatural creatures. 

Vanessa has nine novels that are available on the online reading app GoodNovel including the popular novel ‘Three Brothers! One Mate!’ which placed in the top 10 during the ‘Love Conquers All’ writing contest on the GoodNovel app. 

Vanessa loved to write as a young girl, however as happens to most people in life, life has only just recently allowed her to venture and excel in her writing over the last year or so. She works on her novels while juggling her busy home life with her husband and 5 children.

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